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Statement from the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians

Lani Hansen

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

[Press Release]

“Less than two months ago, on October 25, we released a statement itemizing and debunking misinformation spread by the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, and, sadly, we were forced to reiterate it on October 31. This is now the third time we are compelled to correct the falsehoods spread by the CNO for political gain of Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, to the detriment of public safety.


“Of course, as is the case with all the CNO’s colonialism tactics, in spreading its inaccurate propaganda, it is saying nothing new. It is shameful CNO is exploiting local governments who would ordinarily want no part of the CNO’s termination tactics, and who would ordinarily welcome the assistance of the United Keetoowah Band in enforcing law and order. Alas, the heavy hand of the CNO often has its own way of persuading others to fall in line. This latest attack by the CNO is another desperate and shameful attempt to manufacture confusion and concern, a tactic that we know that all of you who reside in Northeastern Oklahoma see through easily.


“There is no evidence to prove the outlandish claim that the UKB Lighthorse lacks jurisdiction other than what the CNO is saying themselves. Further, the UKB has 76-acres of land in trust with the United States over which it unambiguously exercises jurisdiction. UKB officers are CLEET-certified, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs has issued law enforcement commissions to UKB Lighthorse to enforce federal and tribal law. Agreements with local law enforcement would also be in place but for Chuck Hoskin’s practice of cajoling local law enforcement to withhold cooperation with the UKB. We all care about public safety and justice being served, it is sad that CNO’s intent is to dismantle additional law enforcement and other resources that would aide in public safety and justice.


“It is patently obvious that if Chuck Hoskin really desired to advance public safety on the Oklahoma Cherokee Reservation, he would seek to partner with all governments in the region, not work to undermine them.






 © 2025 united keetoowah band OF CHEROKEE INDIANs in Oklahoma

Open Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 1-918-871-2800


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Physical Address:
18300 W. Keetoowah Circle

Tahlequah, OK 74464

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 746

Tahlequah, OK 74465

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