TAHLEQUAH, OK.,— On August 13, Chief Joe Bunch signed an agreement with the Department of Interior to reimburse the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma for certain costs associated with the UKB’s operation of programs under the tribe’s Self-Governance Compact.
Under this agreement, known as an ISDEAA Section 105(l) lease, the BIA will commit to paying an additional annual payment to the UKB Tribe based upon the appraised fair market rental rate.
"This is a tremendous day for the UKB as these agreements provide vital rental revenue to the Tribe as well as funding for utilities, building security, upkeep, and those types of things," Chief Joe Bunch said.
This arrangement with the BIA, as well as similar pledges made with the Indian Health Service, will allow the UKB to receive annual general rent revenue in excess of $1.2 million.
UKB tribal member and attorney Bryan Shade with the assistance of the [UKB] Tribal Finance, Facilities, and Self-Governance Programs staff, helped negotiate the ISDEAA Section 501(l) lease.
Photo: Chief Bunch signs Section 501 (l) Lease, photo by Troy Littledeer.